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Keeping us on our toes!

Max oh Max!  He's doing fabulous!  We had a Max and Mommy morning today!  A stop at YoYo Donuts, the park and a haircut!  Great morning for both of us! 

Just within the past couple weeks Max has decided he really does love Baby Austin!  His energy, sense of humor and personality are so much fun!  He still loves the park, airplanes and now he's added Gigantosaurus to his favorite Disney Jr. shows!  Hard to keep up on his favorites.  He's starting gymnastics tomorrow with Gavin and let's just say, we are all pretty pumped up!

Then there is Austin...first we are going to go back a few days to last Friday!  Austin had an audiology/ENT appointment with Dr. Meyers (if you remember, he did not pass his screenings in the spring but we did not meet with the ear, nose and throat doctor to determine why he didn't pass).  Well, he didn't pass again, but this time we met with Dr. Meyers.  She has very little concern.  Austin has perfectly normal and healthy ear structures and for some reason, children with Downs Syndrome just don't pass.  He did pass his newborn screen, he responds to sound/noise and he's babbling - pretty much all the time he's not sleeping!  She said the only thing we could do is an ABR (Auditory Brainstem Response), but he needs sedated and she didn't think that it was worth sedating him at this time.

Which brings us to this week...Austin has been off his TPN since June 6th, however, he still has his Broviac (IV access) for lab draws.  Dr. Kevan wanted a couple weeks of labs before we scheduled for that to be removed.  Once removed, he will need to be poked for labs.  Not fun in a chubby 10 month old!  Well, a couple weeks is all she's going to get!  On Monday, our IV nurse did not have difficulties flushing his line, but when she went to draw blood out of the line, she couldn't get any.  Ugh!  She used some medicine and with Austin sitting up and me holding his hands above his head, she was able to get enough to run his labs!  Whew!  In true Austin style, his lab results were great!  This morning I got a call from Dr. Kevan's office that I could call Dr. Kreykes' office to schedule the surgery to remove the Broviac!  HUGE sigh of relief!  Fabulous milestone for Austin and a little less worrying for us!

Just a few extra prayers as Austin will have a very quick surgery Friday morning to remove his Broviac!  Having this out, greatly reduces Austin's risk for a line infections or other complications.  It was necessary for him to grow and thrive and he somehow managed to beat the predictions and no longer needs the TPN after about 7 months!  Time to check that box as a part of the past!

With many emotions, we say goodbye to our nurses this week.  PHS will continue to provide for Austin for supplies , equipment and as a resource, however, he no longer requires the 1:1 for safety (mainly due to the IV access being discontinued).  Our PHS nurses and care team has provided us comfort, love, expertise and overall has been a vital piece of Austin's growth and success!  We are so grateful and thankful for each of them for loving Austin as their own!

That's all for be continued.  Austin has a Dr. Kevan appointment in the morning!  Can't wait to hear the big plans she has for Austin!  What's next?  Let's do this!

Tara, Brian, Max and Austin
