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Still making adjustments!

Happy football, baseball and basketball Saturday!  'Tis the season!  Austin is snoozing while Brian and I lay here staring at our devices (no TV's in the ICC rooms)!

Austin has recovered well from is surgery on Thursday!  It's amazing how quickly little ones heal up and just a little Tylenol to take the edge off!

We had to take a break from advancing his enteral and oral feedings for surgery. Yesterday, he returned to 5mL/hr continuous and 5mL oral feeds.  We got 3 of the 4 oral feeds in since the orders to resume weren't written until around noon.  His ostomy output was a little over 120cc yesterday so that was great!  We will expect that number to increase a little (hopefully not too much) today since he's feedings were resumed full strength.  Yesterday, his TPN/lipids were again cycled to be off for 4 hours.  His blood glucose (sugars) were again fine!  This time off is in the evening before they hang the new bags for the next 24 hours.  It's very nice to have him unhooked from lines for a few hours.

Just a couple small changes for today.  He's going to get his oral feeds while his enteral feeds continue to run.  This will give him an additional 20mL today.  His TPN/lipids will be cycled tonight for 6 hours.  This is the maximum amount Dr. Ferenci will try at this time.  This is because he's so little and will need to maintain his blood glucose while the TPN/lipids are not running.  His sugars will be checked 3 times tonight (every 2 hours).

We've decided to share with all of you Austin's abdomen.  You will first see his adorable face (with no feeding tube)!  We have to remind ourselves that under his comfy outfit are all the things necessary for Austin to maintain enough nutrition to grow! There are 3 main things:  in his left shoulder area is his Broviac (IV access), the ostomy bag takes up the most space and then his new g-tube is on his left side (small white port).  The tiny cords you see are his ECG leads and those will not go home with us (thank goodness)!

We continue to prepare and talk about the day when Austin will come home with us.  However, we are being patient because it's much quicker, easier and safer to make all these adjustments in the hospital than at home.  Once at home, adjustments are more risky and don't happen near as often.  Austin is strong and continues day after day to prove he's ready to keep advancing!

We can't emphasize enough how appreciative we are of all your thoughts and prayers!  We know you are out there cheering us all on!  We thank you!

Love and hugs,
Tara and Brian
Max and Austin


  1. His face is precious as heck, Tara! So many things on such a little abdomen. But thank goodness for the miracle of medicine that they are able to help him recover from this. Still in our prayers.


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