Austin had a great weekend! I'm going to try to keep this short and straight forward because I'm predicting a lot of changes this week! Sunday to Monday is the transition to new rounding doctors. We get to keep Dr. Fugate (intesivist) for another week (he's on for 2 weeks in a row) and Dr. Keven has been replaced by Dr. Ferenci for GI. Austin saw Dr. Ferenci the last week in PICU so he is a familiar face to us.
Here's the exciting news...Austin's ostomy outputs have been within the perimeters (so he's not dumping)! He was increased to 5mL/hr yesterday mid-day and the plan is to go up to 6mL/hr tomorrow. Dr. Ferenci also ordered 2 bolus feedings per day. This means they turn off his feeding tube for 1 hour twice a day and he gets 5mL (equivalent to a teaspoon) using a bottle. Brian fed him this morning and I just fed him about 730pm. He did well!
As for his TPN/lipids, Dr. Ferenci also wants to try cycling. This means that he is off his IV nutrition for a short time during the day. We will start with 2 hours tomorrow. He will have his blood glucose (sugar) checked halfway through and at the end of the 2 hours. If he can maintain his blood glucose while the TPN/lipids are off, then we will increase the 2 hours to 4 hours and see how he does at 4 hours. This would be extremely beneficial for his liver and for the convenience of him being unhooked from his lines for a few hours a day.
Austin is weighed every 3 days and this morning he was over 4kg! For my math friends, there are 2.2 pounds in every kg so therefore his is 8.8 lbs. This is just shy of 8 lbs and 13 ounces. He's growing!
Have a great week! I'll update with any new news!
Love and hugs,
Tara and Brian
Max and Austin
So excited for Austin and your whole family. God is holding him in his hands and healing him. Slow and steady!!! Sending continued hugs and prayers!!!