Austin had a good day! We got to snuggle most of the morning and then he took a little snooze before Grammy and Max came to visit this afternoon! Then Grammy got her snuggles! It was so wonderful to hold him had been 10 long days!
Biggest struggles last night and today have been withdrawal from the sedatives. They have left him on a small dose for pain and are giving him Ativan (relaxant) every 4 hours and it definitely helps. Worst part is he gags and has some jitters. Hopefully, it won't last too much longer. He was on some pretty heavy doses for a guy his size so it might take a couple days.
Thank you all for your continued thoughts and prayers. Keep them coming! Big goals coming up as we start to transition from the shock/surgery recovery to living with short bowel syndrome.
Tara and Brian
Max and Austin
Snuggles are the best!