Today Austin moved to the intermediate PICU (basically the same unit but down the other hallway)!
The intensivist (doctor dedicated to the ICU) rotates weekly starting on Saturdays so today we met Dr. Brockman. He started the process of tapering the fentanyl (last sedative) and starting methadone for pain control. He will be on the methadone for a week or two as needed. As for his withdrawal, it's his biggest struggle right now. They doubled his Ativan (relaxant) overnight and he needs it every 4 hours otherwise he becomes restless, jittery, hiccups and yawning. Poor buddy!
Dr. Valusek (surgeon) was also in this morning and continues to be very pleased with Austin's progress. She ordered his NG tube to be taken off suction to see how he does (trial). He did well throughout the day and if that continues, then it can be taken out tomorrow sometime. She talked of starting food in the next couple days, but I'm unsure of the details (nurses think most likely a feeding tube so that amounts can be controlled and monitored closely).
As you can see, Daddy finally got his cuddles today during the Michigan game! So sweet!
Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers!
Tara and Brian
Max and Austin
Love to see Austin is getting lots of snuggles.