Austin had a great day! It seems as if the withdrawal is behind us! He is completely off the sedatives and only has 3 meds (methadone, ativan and an acid reducer similar to zantac)!
Dr. Valusek and the intensivist just happened to do rounds at the same time today! Orders were made to remove the NG tube and start trophic feedings (very small and very slow)! So, after getting a very tiny feeding tube placed by his nurse and confirmed to be in the stomach by x-ray, Austin is getting 1ml/hour of breastmilk! Dr. Valusek agreed to start with breastmilk because it's always what is best, but she did warn me that most of the time it's not enough for growth and development. We will have the discussion if/when necessary.
Dad's turn to stay with Austin tonight and I will be going home with Max for the first time! It's time and it's the right thing! I just keep giving myself pep will be okay! We are so blessed to have had and continue to have so much love and support! Special thank you to Lynn and Wanda (Brian's parents) who have taken Max whenever needed!
Thank you all for your continued thoughts and prayers!
Tara and Brian
Max and Austin
What a little fighter he is! So glad you are moving back toward wellness. Thank you for the updates, and know we are holding you in our thoughts and hearts!