Austin had an amazing morning! He was his usual happy self and tolerated full 45mL bottles. After a hospital wide search for green beans, I gave him 1oz. at about 1:45pm. He began vomiting about 3:15pm. We got his feeding tube turned off and his IV turned back on, some Zofran for the nausea and he's now resting comfortably. Dr. Kennedy and Annie (the resident doctor following him) were both in to see him. Dr. Kennedy says NO MORE GREEN BEANS! It's rare for a gut to not tolerate them and it's weird that he did tolerate them a couple weeks ago, but they seem to be highly correlated with his vomiting. So, no more purees for a few weeks. He's getting enough calories and nutrition in his breastmilk/formula so this is really not a concern. So the plan is to let him rest for several hours this evening and then when he starts to perk up a little bit, restart his normal feeding schedule overnight sometime. Observe him tomorrow and go from the...
Keeping up with Four Joneses!